Smooth Moves

so Tuesday night some of my young women showed me a picture they had taken with their phone. The picture was of Kyle in his middle school year book. Next to the picture was this quote from Kdiddy Dirty Money. "My favorite activity is dancing because I have smooth moves." I literally laughed out loud for a good 5 minutes, and so did they! I guess Kyle is trying to teach Gus some of his smooth moves:)

Untitled from Emily Wright on Vimeo.


  1. I totally remember that quote! Haha!

  2. Too funny. Love the video. Gus is the cutest!!!!

  3. He already dances WAY better than his daddy. Have you guys bought tickets to come see us yet? Get on that, would ya. I want some proof that you're going to keep your word this time.

  4. you have the cutest baby on the earth. just thought you should know that other people think it--not just you. :)
