
Remember when I signed up for the Hurricane 1/2 marathon a few months ago? Well, I haven't done a lick of training. I mean I run 1-2 times a week only 2-3 miles, but I haven't done a single long run and the race is in 3 weeks. So yesterday I decided to try a long run. Gus and I did 7 miles, Gus was lazy and basically slept the whole time. I was surprised at how well my lungs felt, the only thing that bothered me were my legs. I ran the Angel Heights route to 700 w, then back to the big loop and around. I felt so bad when I got home I took off Gus' shoes and his little toes were frozen, poor kid. I put 3 blankets on him, but it was pretty chilly that morning. This is my sad attempt at a self timer picture after our run.
Gus loves to watch TV with his daddy. I only let him watch baby signing time in the morning, but when Kyle has him he gets to watch more:) We will lay him on his play mat at night and he will do everything possible to turn his body to the TV. I feel bad we have one of those dumb TV babies, but Summer seems to think it helps with attention span:)
Gus loves to watch cars go by. We usually watch them outside, but unfortunately it snowed!?! in April so we couldn't go outside. If Gus is fussy all I have to do is walk outside and sit on the front porch and he calms down. This kid loves it outside! When Kyle is watching TV and Gus is fussy he sticks him in this position and he stops crying instantly

The mountain in front of our house turns this golden color every evening. Its so pretty, I never noticed it until Kenny pointed it out last year


  1. Come do Insanity with me. It will kick your butt. Okay only slight kick your butt but it really kicks mine everyday. I don't have anything to show for it but I feel better. Does that count for anything? Don't worry about Gus liking TV. All 3 of mine will glue themselves there if possible. But they love being outside, especially Brooks. It makes them well rounded. :)

  2. I love "the Glowing" that's what we call it. It's my favorite part of the day. It's amazing how beautiful our mountains are and I'm so glad Gus is liking the beauty around him also. He is going to be a outdoors man just like his papa.

  3. Glad Gus is getting TV practice, so he can watch full length movies by the time he comes to visit. Believe it or not, my tots don't watch TV anymore. Noah gets a movie or two in a week, but we play outside most of the day so no time for cartoons. Bought your tickets yet? You'd better buy them or I'm going to bug you about it everyday.

  4. That pic made me miss that mountain, I have to admit, my first spring away and i'm having serious withdrawals! Good job on running 7 miles!

  5. Kyle and Gus look like they are really into their show...I bet they are watching sister wives:)

  6. Funny, I think Easton and Gus would be buds. Easton loves it outside and has since birth. It was the solution to many tearful nights. Cute little guy though. He is just so adorable.

  7. You are awesome! There is no way I could run a half marathon, not even close! I love that pic of your boys watching t.v. too cute! Don't worry, we let Jaylee watch baby einstein all the time as a baby and she turned out ok :)
