
I gave rice cereal to Gus on Saturday for the first time. He acted really interested in eating our food so I just decided it was time. As you can see in the pics the first few bites he was impressed I was actually feeding him, then the taste hit him. It is really funny to watch after a few bites he starts to shudder at the taste!


  1. Looks like you guys had a good Easter. We missed you though. :) I have thought about doing the Bunny thing on Saturday too. But since we don't focus too much on it it hasn't been a problem yet. We might try that though next year. Madi is good at seperating the two, Meg not so much. :) Also, can I just say I think I have the cutest nephew. I love how he looks so excited in all his pictures. We may have to come over and play with him sometime so we can get our Gus fix.

  2. Bode had that same little jammy outfit. :) It took maybe 5 or 6 times trying to feed him rice cereal before he actually ate any of it! He made the same faces as Gus.

  3. So hilarious. He is all excited and then so offended that you would lead him astray to the blandness of rice cereal! Hee hee. We had to mix in applesauce. Can you blame 'em?

  4. The first time I fed Jaylee rice cereal she cried through the whole thing :) It takes a little while for them to get the hang of it :)
