
Gus and I went to visit Great Grandma Scholzen the other day. He has gotten so big since she last saw him. She could barely re-situate him on her lap. I need to be better at visiting the greats, instead of new years resolutions I decided to do monthly goals. I accomplish more that way, 12 months is waaaay to long for me. So I have dedicated the month of April into visiting the Greats more often!

Cousin Coco with his favorite person Gus! We traveled to the windy city of Cedar to watch Coco play. Kyle went to Denver for 4 days for Miller Welding training so I went with my sis and mom. They won, it was windy, and we stayed in the car. The end


  1. Miles has some Great Grands that he hasn't met yet because they live in Norhern Utah, it makes me sad :( I can't believe how grown up Colton is, I am picturing him and Caitlyn the way they were 10 years ago. Crazy!

  2. I found monthly goals to be more successful too. Easier to keep up on things. Gus is so cute!

  3. I bet you made her day. She loves seeing the kids. I am going to have to try your goals for each month instead of new years resolutions. I have thought about it before but I really think they would work better.
    p.s. I always find Brooks in weird sleeping positions. He pushes himself against the bars in his crib every night. weird kid.

  4. We are so glad to see that you guys are doing well!! Gus is just darling!!
