Easter Sunday

Gus just wanted to gnaw on the box that his new book came in. He looked so cute in his new Easter Sunday outfit, but I did not get any pics of him in it. We had a wonderful Easter Sunday. Church was very uplifting, and after our church we got to go to a missionary homecoming. One of Kyle's customers sons just got back from serving in the South. I had 40 minutes from the end of our church to the start of the homecoming (in Santa Clara) to make roll dough and funeral potatoes for a dinner later that evening at my sistas house. I made it, I did forget the diaper bag on our way there so we had to flip around to retrieve it. Gus was wide eyed and bushy tailed Sunday morning he woke up early, when he gets older the Easter bunny is going to come on Saturday. My mom did it that way so Easter sabbath wasn't sabotaged by bunnies and eggs:)


  1. Growing up, the Easter Bunny always came to our house on Saturday too. I agree it makes Sunday more of a spiritual day. Happy Easter, your Gus is so cute!!!

  2. I love that bucket, did you make it? Super cute :) I am impressed you made dough, AND funeral potatoes in 40 min. I must be super slow!
