
loving the rain and thunder storm we had last night...
loving that gus is going to sleep at nine and only waking up once...
loving the five mile run i did with miss helayna and gus monster in toquerville last night...
loving the tickle monster book we read to gus at night, and when kyle is the tickle monster... his(gus') little snorts are adorable... (you can see the tickle monster hands in this pic)
loving the articles in the ensign this month...
loving this song... kyle says we are going to make up a family dance to it...

loving the eighty degree weather...
loving our backyard...
loving that easter weekend is almost here...


  1. all great things to love!! i want to see pictures of your backyard - BTW. we sure wish we could be there for easter. have fun without us, as hard as that may be.

  2. And I'm loving your happy positive attitude that is contagious! Wish we could come up this weekend. I was so excited to see you! I was thinking about maybe trying to go to Zion on May 14th, don't know if you'd be up for that.

  3. What great things to love! We are excited for easter weekend too. My kids can hardly wait.

  4. I can't wait to see this "family dance"! You should unveil it at Gus' first birthday or something. :)

  5. I am so happy that he is going to bed at a decent time for you! It is so nice to have a little bit of time for yourself each evening :) Your life sounds great right now, I would be loving it too!
