Bridal Shower Fun

As you can see from the pics, there was fun had by all at this rockin bridal shower. My friends are pretty much amazing at throwing these things together. For all of those reading this and feeling left out, we had so much fun we decided to throw another one the end of August. More details to come later. Just remember to keep August open if you want to have an out of this world experience at the next bridal shower.

Thank you again for everyone that came!!

Temple Clothes

For all of those who missed the last post (linda:)

The temple ceremony is an all white ceremony


You can’t rent the clothes there


Bring Your Finest Temple Threads

Finally a Decision

A momentous event has occurred today. I have officially made a decision. These cute photographers will be doing our wedding photos! I know I can't believe I have made a decision either. One down a thousand to go.


Practice Makes Perfect

We had the opportunity this past week to go to Cabo San Lucas with some friends. You might be asking why we would need to have a vaca when in only 65 short days we will be going to Hawaii? The only answer I can think of is practice makes perfect. Oh and I think we have perfected it. I literally did nothing but wake up, work out, sit in the dry sauna then the wet sauna (because who could do just one), then lay out for 4-5 hours every day by the pool. We ate like champions, Kyle caught his coveted Rooster fish, and did I mention the pool was delightful.