Who Do I Look Like?

This is the best picture I got of the mister at the hospital. I wish they still took picture like when Kyle and I were born.

I should have done this three weeks ago. We get different answers as to who Gus most resembles. I think he looked a lot like me when he was first born, but now he is looking more and more like Kyle. He has both of our ears, we both have tiny ears, thank goodness we won't have dumbo on our hands:) His chin is all Kyle, so are his bags under his eyes. We can't decide what color his eyes are going to be, at first we thought brown now we are thinking blue? I am the one with the pretty bow in the hair if ya couldn't tell:)


  1. Hard to say since you both have the same shaped face and nose as babies. Chin definitely Kyle, your forehead and looks like Kyle's mouth. Em, you have brown eyes, right? Brown is dominant over blue, so unless he got the recessive blue from you then they will be brown. You both made a cute kid.

  2. Oh my gosh Emily, I can't believe how much hair you had! I can't tell who he looks like yet....sometimes I think it takes a few months for them to grow into their looks.
