
Gus' hair is sure growing. We can't decide what color it will be. Shirley thinks blonde and in these pics it does look very blonde. In certain light it has a hint of red too. Cute little boys I have:)


  1. LOOOOOVE the frequency of the post-age these days. Keep it up mommy dear. See ya in a day or so, I expect a lot of play time with Gus and zip excuses. Also some good walks would be nice. much appreciated. Oh, and I have some great selections of my favorite lullaby/go-to-sleep songs for ya

  2. Great picture of daddy and Gus. He's adorable (Gus, that is)!

  3. Love all the photos. It was hard to tell Marhsall's hair color and eye color for a while too. Crazy how it can seem to change so much in the different lights. But regardless he is adorable!

  4. I love that picture...so so cute!! Gus is such a doll...I love it when they are more awake and you get to see the big eyes more. ;)
