This is Gus and his new best friend his sucky. I put it by his face when I laid him down and when I came back it was placed just so:)
He was pouting at Kyle's singing last night.
Noah gave the boys their entertainment for the night. He had a lovely nativity story and song for all the world to hear. Gus loved it


  1. Gus pouts like Grant. I love when they are cute pouters. Glad the boys liked the story. Noah showed the card of Gus to all his preschool friends today. He's such a proud cousin. Nice rapin' videos. :)

  2. Too Too Cute!!! I have been gone for a bit so I had to get caught up on all your posts. Gus is such an adorable little guy - what a cute family!!!

  3. Okay, I just saw that you post the "hide you kids, hide your wife" video. Todd had that song as his ringer for awhile and Evee used to always ask to dance to it!!

    p.s. I am so happy that gus loves his present, I can't remember when I got the fabric, I think from etsy, but the designer is Micheal Miller, i'm pretty sure.

  4. Marshall used to pout just like that and I never got a picture. So precious!
