To My One Month Mister

Oh little mister you love sleeping with your arms not swaddled and free!

Today little mister you turned one month. You have changed my life forever and I am loving the change. You bring a whole new meaning to my life. I have loved every second of becoming your mom. You still try to suck your thumb, but aren't able to master it yet so you get frustrated. You slept four and a half hours straight one night which made me very happy:) We almost had you laughing the other night with the kissing game, you smile so much now. Your hair is getting so long, I might cut some of it on top so your mow hawk doesn't curl over and look like a little girls hairdo. You love to lay on your back and look around during the day, and sometimes in the middle of the night;) You have almost outgrown the newborn monkey outfit we brought you home from the hospital in. You love mornings and that is when I can get you smiling the most.


  1. He is sooo cute!!! But don't cut the curls. They are too cute on babies whether they are boys or girls. ;)

  2. Babies are precious little blessings. You made me cry!
