One Month

We have officially been parents for one month. Gus has brought so much joy and meaning to our life. It is weird to think of my life without him. Nights are rough still, but seeing him smile at me at 4 am makes it worth it! We have been trying different schedules, tonight we had him awake from 5-7 pm then we let him sleep until 10 and now it is almost time for me to go and wake him up so he can eat and be awake for an hour. Then hopefully he will sleep till 2, wake up to eat then go right back to sleep. He thinks it is pretty fun to be WIDE awake for 3 hours in the middle of the night. I finally figured out that after I feed him I can lay him in his bed while he is wide awake while I try to sleep for an hour. Then he fusses and then the next hour is me trying to get him back to sleep. I have learned that if the mister is fussy I can lay him on the counter and he stops and will just lay there and look around for an hour. He is really such a great baby, he only fusses when he is overstimulated, over fed, or hungry. He loves his bath now that he can have a real one. He is still trying to figure out how to get his thumb in his mouth, now he just puts basically his whole fist in there. He loves playing the kissing game with dad, Kyle almost had him laughing the other night. The mister hates to be naked, and loves to have his feet rubbed (Mary Lu found that out:)

I found this draft tonight. I do not miss those sleepless nights, but I do miss that tiny little boy we were still getting to know! 

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