Gus' favorite songs

This is my favorite song to sing the mister.(thanks slum)
This is Kyle's favorite song to sing the mister.
We don't have the best voices, but the little mister likes it when we sing to him. Any other good ones out there?


  1. I want to hear those songs with you 2 singing them. I'm so glad you sing to baby Gus. I must admit that we make up a lot of songs (like my mom does) at our house.

  2. We make up a lot of songs at our house too but the one that has been since Madi is "You are my sunshine." It was one of the very few songs that could calm her down when she was crying for hours on end at night. (plus there was a hidden message in it)

  3. Thanks for the flippin' great present! Cute. Andy suggested you sing "Puh puh puh poker face puh puh poker face" to your little guy.

  4. One of my personal favorites is one I "wrote" myself. "I love you. Yes I do. Even when you smell like poo." Haha.
    You guys are the cutest parents!
