officially signed up. this bod needs to get back into running races. and stat
I have been going running with Gus. It is so fun, he loves to be in his stroller and I love to be outside running. I was talking to Kyle the other day and telling him how much I missed running and how much I really enjoy it. I didn't think I would miss it at all. I used to just do it because I was too cheap to buy a gym pass, and it was a good workout. It has been so blasted windy in Hurricane the last week or two. I mean like crazy gail force winds, but I managed to go a couple days last week when it wasn't too windy. I don't go very far yet, like 1-2 miles is plenty and kicks my butt. I never thought I would let myself get so out of shape. Alas I did so back to pounding the pavements, but now I have a little boy to keep me company.
who is going to join me?


  1. When it stops blowing I'd love to go and pound out a couple of miles. I haven't run since the STG marathon and I'm hating myself for not getting out there...

  2. Wish I lived closer, and wish I had a jogging stoller. You are great! You'll get back into shape fast.

  3. Good for you. I'm Zumba-ing until it's not so frosty in Cedar. SWEET quiet book. I have been wanting to make one but you see, I'm not so fabulous on the sewing machine like you are.

    Trifle looks so good! What are these chalupas and chorizo?

  4. Good for you. Grant is over a year old and I still haven't really done anything to get back in to shape. I blame the twins!

  5. I would love to but don't think I could get my butt in shape or ready for that by then. Brooks is almost 2 and I still haven't done much although I did get just dance2 for my birthday. meg loves it so much I may just get some exercise in.

  6. Too bad we don't live closer - I have really been wanting to try out running lately...although in my current state I don't think I could even run a couple of blocks....:)
    Love the commercial too - that was one of my favorites!
