Fishy Fishy Quiet Book Page

Finally!!! I am almost done with these blasted but cute quiet book pages. It has been fun, I find it relaxing to sit and sew/create these pages. I joined a group of nine girls and we are all making nine pages of the same thing then trading when we are all done. So when all is said and done I will have a nine page quiet book. My page is a fishing page. The fish are filled with a magnet and at the end of the fishing pole will be a magnet covered by a worm. I got super strong magnets so it will work through the felt. The kids fish for the fishy then match the fish with the corresponding color on the page. I am excited to see everyones creations. I am thinking of doing another group, would anyone want to join?

Things left to do on the page
1. sew colored blocks together
2. create a cute worm/magnet
3. cut out nine fish bowls gray felt
4. cut out nine fish bowls vinyl (I love the vinyl it makes it look like it really is glass.
4. cut out 18 seaweed pieces
5. cut out 9 sand bottoms
6. stitch the fish tails closed
7. sew fish bowl together
8. sew a little pocket for fishing pole to rest in on bottom
the end...

**any suggestions or ideas to improve the page?**


  1. That is so cute! I haven't even started on mine yet. Not that I haven't thought about it forever. I just figured out some great ideas so I will be getting mine put together. I think your page is great! I don't think you need to change anything.

  2. Totally cute! Depending on the project I would totally do this kind of thing with you. Cass may be interested too...

  3. I think it looks awesome...no improvements needed. Can i be in your next group...please!
