Weekend full of conference

Conference weekend. Saturday we went to the Ballard's ranch again this time with the Anderson's (minus Renee who was working). Niah, Gus and I made a nice little kitchen area to eat our snacks in, then we roamed around looking at the cactus, coyote dens, and finding pretty rocks. Sunday it was cold and windy so we made our traditional conference hut and listened inside. Our hut was epic this time around, I bought a whole bolt of fabric at a yard sale last year so I cut it in half length wise then sewed the two pieces together. It was an awesomely huge hut with fabric to spare, something every hut maker envies (extra fabric)! The random pictures of Gus is to show you his infatuation with shoes. Kyle let him choose which shoes he wants to wear and he chose his little hiawatha shoes from Halloween. Then the next day he decided he wanted to wear one boot and one indian shoe. He thinks he is hot stuff, I keep his shoes in his bottom drawer and whenever I let him play in his room that is the first thing he goes to. I love watching him try to put on his own shoes. He literally thinks he will be able to do it every time!

Now that my Book of Mormon challenge is done I feel like I have time to blog.  My blog lacked because of the extra time I spent reading/listening to the BOM. It was fun reading it so fast, you really do get a different point of view when you can read about an entire war in one sitting. Some of the wars are pretty traffic, I don't ever remembering those parts. Now onto D&C. We went to the temple with Jennifer on Friday, then had lunch with her husband at Cafe Rio. I got a text later that evening saying that her husband said we made the cut. woot woot


  1. Shoot! We were at the ranch on Saturday too. We had gone out to see if we could get to the eastering spot. The kids would have loved tohave played with Gus in the sand.

  2. Awesome hut. My kids would be jealous. Glad you're done with that BOM nonsense so you can start regular blogging again. He He just kidding, I still think it's awesome that you did that. I'm trying to limit my computer intake, so my blogging is suffering too.
