oh ya know

what have we been up to the past week? Oh ya know just a little bit of this...
I went with the madre to watch cousin Coco play Wasatch in a playoff soccer game. Unfortunately we lost, but Coco had a great year! He was on the front page of the Spectrum sports section after their win to Judge Memorial! Gus was a trooper the whole way, even in the blasted Heber City wind!

Me and the Gus monster. Our first Mothers Day together. (taken during sacrament with Kyle's phone;) Mother's Day is soooo much better after popping out this cute little boy! Definitely one of the hardest things I have done at times, but also THE MOST rewarding!! Love this little guy to pieces and his daddy as well. They gave me two months to get skin cancer(tanning pass) and it came with two free frozen yogurt coupons!

This was the Gma's Mothers Day gift. Silhouettes of one of their favorite little grandsons:)

Gus met Kyle/Linies dog Sage. Gus loves dogs, it doesn't look like it in this picture, but a few moments later he was grabbing him and smiling!

I gave Gus a stick off of Gma Linie's tree as a chew toy. He loved it! I figured that is what the pioneers would do. right;)

Gus loved watching the ducks, one of Gma Linie's animals on her mini farm.

Gatorade and Sydney showing Cowboy to Gus.
Gus just loves Cowboy. He loves him sooo much he wanted to eat his ear:)

Gus chewing on the stick and watching the ducks for entertainment.

Amy got out the baby book, and we decided Kason, Coco, and Gus look a little bit alike:) They all of Gma Becky's big eyes for sure.


  1. Cute little Guster. He does look like Amy's kiddos. Can't wait to see that little guy in a couple of months.

  2. Happy Mother's Day! Love the Silhouettes.

  3. Happy first Mother's day! You are all ready such a great mom! Jared is from Heber City and his family still lives there. It is definately FREEZING there!
