Brotherly Love

I took my brother (Chance's) engagement photos a couple of weeks ago. I am by no means a photographer, and no I am not starting a photography biz;) I was just a gal with a camera and some pretty cute people to photograph:) Maddox was sooo good the whole time, we just had to use a potty word (poop) over and over and over and over so he would laugh! I am so happy they are getting hitched, Brooke is such a great mom to Maddox and soon to be wife to Chance. Just today I overheard her talking to Maddox and I thought to myself "I hope I have conversations like that with Gus someday." Chance is the happiest I have seen him and can't wait to see their little family grow!!!

side note: photographer friends that read my blog- what setting should I have set my camera to in the first photo so that the mountains have good light and the family? It seemed that if I messed with the f stop thingy either the fam was too dark or the mountains didn't have their pretty colors. Notice how the fam is really dark. Luckily, Brooke's sis IS a good photographer so she photo shoped the pics so the end result is very very cute!


  1. Fun! Off camera flash or some time in photoshop is all I know. You can try taking one with the mountain properly exposed and one of the family and try to combine the two... but that's even more time in photoshop.

  2. Congrats Chance! That is so exciting. I love weddings. And I know how you feel about taking pictures... both my brothers have asked me to take a few engagement pics for them and I felt stupid doing it :)

    Not much you can do when the background is in full light and fore ground is shady. One is either dark or the other way too blown out. I want a flash to mess around with, but I don't have one because they cost money (crazy I know). Those mountains are beautiful in that sun!

    Okay sorry this is not meant to be so long! Sorry we left a car with you. I'll guess it will require another play date/swim party/BBQ or something in the coming week :) I am gone the next two weekends but then expect a text from me so we can plan something.

  3. I think in that case you could have possibly metered on the people first or in another dark area of the picture. So in theory you would point the camera at the darker area (don't worry about how the pic is framed) and then press the button 1/2 way down to have the camera meter to the darker area, and then frame your picture the way you want (while still holding the button 1/2 way down), and then once your ready you press it all the way and the picture should be metered for the darker area.

    Sorry I know there is probably an easier way to explain it... it takes some practice, and photography situations like that are always a little tricky, so I just have to wing it a lot of the time. Good job though, it helps when you have such cute people to work with!

  4. Cute Pictures! I agree with Mindee. It is pretty hard to get them both bright when one is in a shaddy place and the other is sunny. Photoshop might be your best option in that case. I think if you did the metering thing (I can show you how to meter and lock it in) all that will do is make the exposure for the darker part the "right" exposure but I think it will still blow out the background. (make it all bright.) I was going to suggest may be using a reflector or even a flash, but where they are in the shade I don't know if that will help or not. (flash may be, reflector probably not.)I think you did a great job regardless. Sorry, not much help.
