Phone Picture September Edition

 Only in Virgin will you find goats that have escaped. One of the goats were pregnant and you could see the baby kicking inside its belly. This was on our 20 miler training run for the marathon. 

 This picture is for Adam, but you can't tell why. I took it because the lake was very calm and beautiful one day while Kyle and I were doing the Sand Hollow bike loop. I wanted to make him envious of the place we live! My phone didn't quite capture what I was hoping it would

 Poor Gus was sick a couple of months ago with the flu. I took this picture because this is the only time this boy will cuddle and sleep on me. He loves his teddy so much as you can see. 

 Early morning run starting in Zion, but this might be Rockville

Another early morning run shot this is the mountain between Rockville and Virgin


  1. Zion is beautiful. That picture of Gus sick on his Bear looks a little like Grant. We just went on the Sac river today and there were TONS of people out fishing. We thought of Kyle and how he would love were we live too.

  2. That does look beautiful. Thanks for thinking of me. When do you want to come back to sactown?
