10-11 Months

doesn't like his feet to touch the sidewalk or grass when he crawls so he lifts them as high as he can. Quite a skill

loves to eat rocks and dirt

Gus monster is 11 months, but I forgot to do his 10 month post so this is a combined post 

  • Goes to bed at 9 and wakes up once to eat then for the day at 8:30 or 9
  • Still takes 2 naps! Hooray! First nap is at 12 for usually 1 1/2 hours then the second is at 3:30 or 4 for 45 minutes
  • Finally goes to bed without crying when I lay him down. There are a few rare nights where he will cry for  a minute or so.
  • Has 5 almost 6 teeth. 3 upper and 2 lower
  • Is oh so close to walking. He took two or three steps about a month ago, then did nothing. The last week or so though he is getting braver and will stand unassisted for a few moment by himself!
  • Loves to push things around while standing and holding on to them like his four wheeler or a little stool I have in the front room
  • Signs outside, ball, bird, water, milk, more, dog, cat, and mom
  • Says Ball, dada, nana (banana)
  • Still loves balls, and it is the first thing he says when he wakes up
  • When he pushes his cars or tractors around he says brrrr
  • If you whistle at him he will try to imitate you, but no whistle comes out just air
  • If asked what a cow says he will say moo, if asked what a horse says he will vibrate his lips (It is because I always say that horses say neigh then make the sound they make when they blow air out) That was hard to describe, hopefully you understand what I mean
  • If asked where the dog is he will click his tongue. The sign for dog is done by hitting your leg twice then snapping so I think he is trying to make the snapping sound.
  • Loves being outside
  • Still wears 3-6 month clothes. Barely fits into 6-12 month clothes. They drowned him, but that is what I buy and he wears
  • Still breast feeding, I am going to introduce whole milk in a couple of weeks. Hooray!
  • Is a great eater. Loves almost everything. His favorites are: strawberries, bananas, string cheese, cream of wheat with blueberries, bacon, jerky, and anything we are eating basically!


  1. What a cutie! Marshall used to crawl like that with his toes in the air when we were outside too. He still doesn't love the grass. hahahaha So fun1

  2. Ps can't believe how tiny he is! We need to get together some Saturday in St. George.

  3. I think I have seen his mom make that same face. Love that first picture. It was fun playing with him over at moms. He is just so stinking cute.

  4. I think April is right - remember that scuba diving picture, Em? I think of that picture often. Always bring a smile to my face, as does seeing baby Gus. What's the plans for the big numero UNO birthday party? Fly him to Sacramento? Now that would be awesome.

  5. You mean the picture of Emery? Slum you are the one with all of the great b-day ideas. What is a good one for Gus?

  6. I seriously feel Gus is like 3 months ahead of Miles, instead of only being 1 week older. Wow, I can't believe he is all most walking, and that he knows so many signs. That is awesome! So I am probably going down there next weekend. We should totally get together. Miles and Gus need a play date!
