life done properly

I never know where to put picture captions. So for this post the corresponding caption is below every post. Well the Jets had their season opener a few weeks back, so of course Kyle had the entire family dress in their Jets gear. It helped, they won.

We went to dinner at the noodle a couple of weeks ago and these are my happy boys after their dinner. Kyle says this pictures title is called WINNING because Gus looks like he is winning!

On our drive home from Cedar Gus decided to fall asleep. I usually find him like this, clenched tight to his teddy.

We went to my nephew Nicholas' football game the other night. Kyle had school late and I was sick of being at home so we made the drive to Hansen stadium. Nicholas did great, scored 3 touchdowns during the first half, and I don't know how many the second but I think he scored all of their points!

baby Gus loves to be on the tramp. Almost every evening we are out enjoying the cooler evenings. I captured his trick he loves to clap. I need to do a ten month post on him.

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