I have been eyeing these leaves the last few weeks. We went on a family walk on Sunday so I snapped some shots of the boy. Don't mind the yucky Jets jersey Kyle made him wear and the fact that it doesn't match his church pants:)

 Gus decided he was cool enough to put his hand to his cheek and relax


  1. What a cute little fart. He looks so different in every picture. The first few he just doesn't look like either of you, but that one with his hand by his cheek, he looks a lot like Kyle. Isn't this age fun? Looks like he is going places and exploring all the time.

  2. He is so cute. I love the lighting in those first two. Awesome. Can't believe how big he is getting.

  3. Golly! Gus is too cute. That picture of you and him is precious.

  4. just kidding - he's a good looking kid. If you were any kind of decent parents, he would spend more time in Sacramento.
