The date with the most work and my favorite of all! Kyle posted this when we first started this blog a couple of years ago, I think he describes the event very well. Thanks for the last 10 years of fun dates and last 2 years of awesome marriage, you ROCK Kdiddy B!

For you that don't know this story here it is.....

Emily had wanted to run the Nike & Tiffany marathon in San Francisco for sometime. She had troubles getting in the year before because only about 20,000 runners get in, and around 40,000 apply. Knowing what I wanted to do, I called Nike before the sign up about a 11 months before the actual race and told them my story. They told me they would make sure she would be accepted, and would have there public relations department call me closer to the race.

About 2 months before the race I was contacted my Michelle Woo an awesome person from Nike's pr group. She was so excited about my plans and wanted to help anyway she could. From there, Michelle told her committee what I was doing and got it approved. The only stipulation was that Emily had to be decked out in Nike gear. I knew that would be difficult because she used Asics shoes exclusively. I told Michelle I'd do my best.

I called Tiffany's in San Francisco and got her platinum Tiffanys setting ring on order about a monthy before. It is a sparkler.

When we got to San Francisco all I had to do, was get my tux. I managed to ditch Emily one day to go get measured, and had our hotel concierge pick it up for me . On the day of the race I got my tux on and headed to the race. I met up with Michelle and she handed my VIP passes for me and Emily. I went and hung out in the lounge and gorged on food for a couple hours. It was pretty posh, but I was nervous the entire time.

Emily running a marathon 2 weeks prior was a little exhausted, so she took longer than expected. Me and the entire PR group were nervous she wasn't going to finish. When I finally saw her, the MC took over and announced that we had a special announcement. I stood in line with the San Francisco Firefighters with my tux on and my silver platter with a little blue box on it. When she crossed the line I stepped out and she saw me. She was completely shocked as was I. I was very nervous. There are 20,000 runners, imagine how many people are at the finish line. Anyways she said Yes, and here we are.


  1. I have loved reading these. It has been fun to see the ones we helped with and to see ones we didn't even know about. The ice skating one was awesome. What a little romantic Kyle is. I remember your engagement. We were all here looking on line all day to see if maybe there was a picture that was posted. I remember hiding your ring in mu closet praying that the house didn't burn down or get robbed. :) glad you two ended up together.

  2. I have always had a small crush on kyle for the reasons you listed here. This is adam, btw
