to my 2 month mister

This is you and roarbert. Your face is too funny in this pic.
Oh little mister you are so stinkin cute. You have more and more personality every day. Just the other day you laughed out loud for the first time which melted my heart. You hate when I have dairy, you scream until four in the morning, so I haven't had any for a whole week. That is one full week of no ice cream for you little mister. You have been the best sleeper as of late. Just the other night I put you down at 11 and you didn't wake up until 5:30 then after you ate you slept until 9. Your eyes are starting to look like they are brown and your hair is getting longer. You smile constantly, especially when someone talks to you and gives you attention. You are cooing and babbling a lot these days. You love bath time and will kick your feet like crazy in the water. You have outgrown your newborn clothes finally and your little legs are getting rolls:) Your dad is trying to teach you how to suck your thumb as I am typing this. I don't know if I want you to because I can't take your thumbs away from you like binki. I have so much fun with you everyday and you could never know how much I love you!


  1. Oh my goodness isn't he just adorable! Love all of your pictures

  2. Seriously the cutest! When can we get together again? Meet in St. George for dinner sometime? Or we could come to your house, it's probably easier for us to travel since Marshall is a little older. Let me know.

  3. I love that pic of him with his lion, his face is too cute :) That stinks that he is sensitive to dairy, no fun for you!
