what do you think?

I found a tutorial on how to make the below pictured antique glass insulator pendants. Do they fit the kitchen or not?
Antique Insulator Pendant Lights

or would you buy the ones below from west elm?

Pendant Cord Set
or this kind from west elm?
Globe Pendant

we would hang them here(below)


  1. Part of me thinks that the antique glass insulator pendants would give the kitchen an "anthropologie" vibe and tie in with your cute hooks and aprons. But my heart is also skipping a beat for those round glass ones from West Elm. They are gorgeous and would add a really classy finish. I think either would be great. Sorry I am not more help.

  2. I really liked the first one. Of course, then you would have to make it yourself, but you are great at that!

  3. I love those Emily. I think they would look great in your house. Although anything you do looks great. I wish that I was as crafty as you and have the things I try actually turn out. I like the glass ball ones too. They have a very timeless feel to them. I want some pennant lights in my kitchen too but I think it would be to much for mine.

  4. Top or bottom ones..definitely. Round glass ball lights would look really classy as mentioned above, but would also get really hot? The top picture would give a touch of color, but maybe not enough light? If I had to choose for myself out of the 3 I would choose the round glass.

  5. I like the third ones, the round glass balls are super cool! I want to go to Zion in the next few weeks. Maybe we can stop by and say hi and see your cute house?

  6. For the kitchen I would go with the first or second. I prefer the second for your kitchen - more modern. As you know I love the glass ones, since that is what I'm putting in my dining room; however, I think those in the kitchen would get in the way if you put them as low as you're supposed to on the bar. Just my opinion though. Any of them would look cool, I think.

  7. Oh, sorry that was Summer, not Adam.

  8. i like the last ones, i feel like in a year from now you wouldnt want to change them out...

  9. Mike and I both like the first ones. He thinks they would be better at putting lite down and the bottom ones would get too hot. The middle ones are not at cute as the vintage ones. Thanks for asking for our opinion,,,now go and do what you like best...love ya
