Luck Of The Irish

My Grandpa Collins was Irish.
That is why this kid brings me such joy and luck.
Gus is lucky because his mommy was right there when he decided to roll all the way over on our kitchen island the other day. I know I said three posts ago that his days on the counter are over, but it is such a convenient diaper changing spot. Luckily I have learned my lesson before someone gets hurt! He looks at me like yep just did that, watch out!!

check my food blog here later I am making a cake that I have been wanting to make for at least a year. St. Patty's day gave me just the reason to make it. I just pulled it out of the oven, can't wait to frost and cut into it:)


  1. He is so darn cute! I too am glad he didn't roll off the island :)

  2. I've caught all three of my kids rolling off high surfaces, and probably put them right back the next day. I guess I never learn. They're still here, so I must not be that bad of a mom. I love Gus' baby fuss head.
