photo shoot sneak peak

I can not wait to see the rest of the pics Dallas Sullivan took. She sent me these as a little teaser, they aren't edited at all either. She is amazing!! Our little guy was perfect during the shoot, minus me getting pooped on (yuck) first time and I am sure not the last time for that:)


  1. She always does such a great job:) These pictures are so dang cute!

  2. Those are too cute! How in the world did you get him to sleep during that?!?

  3. Oh so cute! We went shopping today in St. George. I really wanted to come to Hurricane to see you. But I figured you have family things going on this weekend. I'd really like to come see you and baby Gus sometime.

  4. Those are such cute pictures. She does a great job! Be sure to put on more. (I really think he looks just like Brooks as a baby in the first one.) So you definitely know how cute I think Gus is. :) Thanks for letting us love on him yesterday. We can't get enough of him.

  5. those are darling emily...can't wait to see the rest

  6. He is such a handsome little guy!! Congrats :)

  7. Who would have thought to put a brand new baby in an old samsonite? So cute!!!
    I really like your walls, floor and baseboard too.

  8. SO cute! Can't wait to see the rest! I think Dallas always does a great job.

  9. He is so cute! These pictures are adorable.
