more from the photo shoot

click HERE to see more pics of the cutest kid ever:) I am a little biased I know:)


  1. These turned out so cute! She did a great job. I love the beanies. What a cute kid. I think my favorite is the one in the big wood bucket thing. (Probably because it reminds me so much of Brooks).

  2. Oh my he is the cutest! Really want to come see you, but December is crazy.... my birthday, my charity golf tournament, then I'm getting my tonsils out, going to SL for a week, then new year's stake dance I have to help at... ya maybe in January we can get together. Love little boys!!!

  3. You are biased, but I too think he's cute, so he must be cute. LOVE the pictures. Turned out adorable. Now I expect a cute Christmas card.

  4. Yep, love the pics. I keep hearing people say, "Chelle, he is SOOO cute!" and then almost immediately they say, "he reminds me of you...." I'll let you take from that what you will;). Yes, Snowbound, that heart-wrenching film of my youth. Such a classic. Whilst other kids were wasting their time with Barney I was exploring the real world of death and frostbite. Love the pics, snow and baby both. I wanna see ones with you and kyle in them too.

  5. Precious. I am loving his little hats and darling little lips.
