Gus our Man Child "100th Post"

Daddy and me
Going home outfit
Best Pic of his hair
Our little family

Birth Story to come, just a teaser of how cute our little Gus is.


  1. Yeah, congrats again. I love the family picture...but is that oreo shake I see on your shirt?

  2. Gus is darling. Congratulations you guys!

  3. He sure is a cutie! Welcome to the world Gus!

  4. technically I should be doing homework, but I have been checking your blog for the awaited update all day. Cute little freak. I'm excited to give him his first noogie. I get the distinct feeling I could already be his favorite aunt. Intuition.

  5. He is pretty darn cute! Brooks loves him. It was almost like they were long lost pals and Brooks was asking him what took him so long to get here.
    Congrats you two on a beautiful baby!
    (I love the family picture also.)

  6. Yeah! I've been checking this regularly. He's adorable. Oh how I wish we could be there to snuggle that baby. Please keep the pictures coming.

  7. I love him already! I am sad I wasn't able to photograph the little guy, I will be back at Christmas

  8. Congratulations! What a handsome little guy!

  9. I've seriously been checking a couple times a day for this! Em, he is SO cute :) I hope you're both still doing great! Can't wait to hear all the details!

  10. I have been waiting for pictures! So cute, love the dark hair and the happy faces of you and Kyle. Can't wait to hear everything! I would love to come see you in a few weeks when you get settled in. Are you around for Thanksgiving? We will be here, maybe that weekend I'll have to come say hello. I'll call and see how you are feeling. I don't want to overwhelm you. Oh congrats and good luck with everything.

  11. He is absolutely precious. DARLING. I am loving that family.

  12. Hooray!! He is SuPeR handsome...of course! I am so excited for you!! Keep in touch!! LoVe!!

  13. He is adorable... honestly. You have the cutest family ever and i'm so happy for you and Kyle. Good luck with the mommy thing, i'm sure you're amazing!
