Baby Shower


We had a really fun party on Saturday. Lots of food was eaten, lots of pictures were taken, lots of laughs were exchanged, and lots of gifts were given. Thank you to everyone that came, and thanks to my sistas and mammy for putting it on. Thanks lirpa for being the photographer and Slum dog for making the invite, water bottle wrapper, andcupcake topper thank yous! Oh and my wonderful hubby for finishing the slate wall in time for the shower:)


  1. Your shower really was wonderful. The coin game was super fun. Food was yummy and I enjoyed the whole group of ladies. Thanks for the invite.

  2. It was great fun, and a pay back for all you and Kyle do for all of us! We all love you so much and are so excited to see this new little spirit that is lucky and blessed to come to your home and ours. God Bless you through the next few weeks and thanks for letting us have such a fun party at your lovely home..Love ya always, Momma Becky

  3. wish i could of been there...looks like it was a blast...keep your eye out for the mail...my gift for your baby will be there soon

  4. Looks like good times were had by all... and I must say the slate wall looks amazing! Oh, and the nursery... you and kyle are quite the do it yourselfers. Good job! And Happy Baby Shower!!! If I was down there I would have loved to come :(
