35 weeks minus 26.2

T Minus 4 weeks and 3 days
measuring at exactly 35 weeks- I was a little worried last dr appt. I was measuring a week behind but have no fear I am back to where I should be.
23 pounds total weight gained thus far-oh man oh man
still loving crushed ice
missed my first st. george marathon in 5 years I was a little depressed about it, but will be back in a few short months to running. I can't wait. I remember training and wishing I had an excuse not to run, but now I feel the complete opposite. I tried running with Kyle a month ago, I did a mile or a little more, but it hurt my belly so no more of that. I have started walking a couple miles in the am with my sister and ang.
blood pressure has been great usually around 105/60 give or take a few
My belly button has started to poke out. I was telling Kyle the other night that it is a good thing my button was a deep dark hole before because otherwise I would have a definite weird looking outie by now.
Changed the hairdo, I was boycotting the whole idea because my fat boy Tanny Poo left to serve the lord, but I gave in and Tenille is just as amazing as the fat boy. The last time it was cut was January so needless to say it needed some help.
Nursery is almost complete. Waiting for the crib to be shipped here and put together.


  1. Im So Excited For FIN/GUS to arrive. You look so good for almost 36 weeks. YOUR LUCKY!

  2. Looking good!! I love the new hair.

  3. You look amazing. Good luck with the final month.......and labor!
