Baby Shower

Isn't this the cutest invite? Thanks Slum. We mailed and handed out all of them, so if I missed ya (which is very likely) leave a comment and I will send ya one:)


  1. Commenting on the last 2 posts here.....23 lbs is seriously nothing! 25-35 lbs is completely healthy :) I too have been thinking about a hair change now that I am getting closer. Bangs are a definite possibility, and yours look great! I won't be able to make it to the baby shower this weekend cause I was there last weekend for the marathon. Thought about you too, and not being able to run. There's always next year!

  2. Hoping to make it to your shower, Marshall will have to come because Mark will be in Vegas for school.

  3. I wanna come! Elise has a birthday party that day too but I think I might be able to work it out....what's the address?
