Weeks 20-24

This is my week 24 belly... I think. I can't remember exactly when this was, but it was close to 24. I forgot to mention that at my 16 week ultrasound to find out the gender I also found out I have placenta previa. Suck! Well, we just hoped and prayed that by 20 weeks the placenta would start migrating its little self out of the way. At my 20 week ultrasound there was little movement of the placenta if any. So now we are just hoping and praying that by my 30 week ultrasound the placenta will have migrated north and get out of the way so I don't have to have a c-section. So no heavy lifting, pushing, pulling etc. I have been feeling great, I just love the second trimester I would have 10 kids if my pregnancy felt like this the entire time. This little dude is a mover and a shaker though, especially at night. Which has me dreading those sleepless nights when he is born! I gained 6 pounds in 4 weeks at my 22 week appointment, anyone jealous? Didn't think so, I almost asked the ma to double check the number. I guess this sudden weight gain goes to show that I have been feeling better. I blame the weight gain on Swigs sugar cookies. Those things are devilish! I think I am the only one that doesn't think dirty Dr. Pepper is delish though. I have been working a ton because of flu season and flu shots so my exercise routing has dwindled to basically nothing, but I vow to start again once we are back from vacation.


  1. you look great! and I love that you guys took the little man to disneyland... iam by no means trying to wish away the stage griffin is at right now but i was just telling mike the other day that i can't wait to take him to disneyland...love reading about you and the fam...keeping my fingers crossed for that placenta to take a hike north :-)

  2. Their sugar cookies are so good! Try their Mtn Dew w/ mango puree. Or the strawberry lemonade w/ the puree. Those are some good ones...
