It's a Major AWARD

Meet my husband Kyle, I think he is one awesome guy. Why you ask? Well, for starters he has lost basically a small human in fat the last year. He is dedicated, if he says he is going to do something he does it. He bought his first road bike a year ago this week, he sold that one then bought this fancy very expensive one he is riding right now a few months after he bought his first one. AND if that isn't enough,  he is GRADUATING with his Bachelors in Business Administration tomorrow! It has been a long slow process of taking classes after work and only 1-2 each semester, but by golly he did it!!! Gus loves this guy, and I am so happy for Kyle and the example he has set for Gus. 


  1. That is awesome, congratulations!

  2. Kyle you are awesome! Congratutions on your hard work and dedication to school and to your good looks. Love ya tons!

  3. Way to go Chucky. We couldn't be prouder - of the new sex appeal and the degree.

  4. He looks great! And congrats on the degree. That's so rewarding and yay for being done!

  5. I suppose he's not such a waste of space;). Way to go big brother, go out there and add yourself proudly to that 1%! I hear U of U has a pretty solid MBA program....just sayin.

  6. Congrats! Finishing school isn't easy sometimes. All that work for a piece of paper. :) But it is worth it just to say you did it. Way to go!

  7. Congrats, both accomplishments are awesome!! Both take hard work and dedication--something to be proud of!!
