Instagram Update

 We do this a lot these days! He loves loves loves playing with the hose, and being naked for that matter. If I take off his diaper and say if you need to pee go to the grass and pee not on the sidewalk... He will walk his cute little naked bum over to the grass and pee when he needs to. Does this mean he is ready to be potty trained?

 Banana Bread Pancakes. Yum!
 Ready for church 

Kyle got himself a fancy new tent I think the brand is Springbar or something.  You would have thought he won a million bucks or something. He couldn't wait to set it up in the backyard. Gus lasted until midnight and refused to go to sleep so we ended up inside while Kinlee and Kyle remained under the stars.

 Watching Cars. The only movie Gus lasts longer then 10 minutes for.

The Hurricane Hill started on fire AGAIN! It seems to be a yearly thing.

Gus likes reading books to himself these days. Today it sounded like balatabbafwaba.


  1. 3daypottytraining is what we swear by at our house, and she says 22 months is the golden age for potty training... boy, girl, special needs child, whatever. We trained Tyler at 20 months and it was a little harder than Marshall at 23, but I would not put it off any longer than 22 months again :) For now, I'd let him feel accomplished when he follows those kinds of directions and let him sit on the potty and try all you want. But seriously... don't wait any longer. I swear there is no reason to. And I'll email you the "book" if you want it.

  2. My say.... EVERY child is different. You can read a million books and you may find something that works, or none of them will work. It's trial and error (I think with most aspects of parenting). I started Noah and Ava about a month after their second birthdays. We tried the same method with both of them, and it worked for Noah, but not Ava. We had to do a different strategy all together with her. Grant is 2 1/2 and I'm just now thinking about starting him (more out of laziness on my part). There is no harm in trying, and consistency is key, BUT if he or you aren't handling it after a few weeks, wait awhile. I don't think there's a "magical" age for potty training. There are soooooo many books on this subject, and everyone thinks they are right. The great thing about being the parent, is that you, and ONLY YOU, know what's best for your child. That's my 2, OK maybe 10, cents on the topic.

  3. Gus is SO cute! That first picture kills me!
