Super Bowl 2012

 Any guesses as to what the above picture is? 

Super Bowl 2012
I didn't take very many pictures this year which is a little depressing. I go through picture withdrawals when I am to lazy to pull out my camera. Every year I am glad the super bowl is on a fast Sunday because I really make up for the calories during the game. We had lots of yummy food and my moms house was bombarded by little ones. Kyle and Gus wore matching Jets jerseys because that is how they roll. This year was Broncos vs Patriots? I think, I was making Gus' valentines during the game so really I have no clue who was playing. I do know Tom Brady didn't win... I think. I DO know Madonna was the half time show, I kept wishing she would have not worn those darn boots. She would have danced a whole lot better, and I wouldn't have worried the entire performance that she was going to fall..Well, I guess I don't really know anything about the super bowl except we had lots of yummy food and we had a great time chit chatting


  1. The picture is of your nephews hair. Right? I'm the same way with the super bowl. Only in it for the food.

  2. Sounds like we both payed attention to the game about the same =) I totally knew about all of the food though!
