15 months

Favorite foods at 15 months: popcorn, edamame, pecans, peanuts, nutella, creamy noodles, pretzels, dried peaches and apples, fresh apples, strawberries, raspberries, cereal. I am STILL weaning him he is down to 3 feedings one in the morning, one before his nap, and one before bed. I wish I would have weaned him at 10 months when he didn't really understand. Next time! He is drinking more and more whole milk everyday, he prefers water though even over apple juice. Won't eat string cheese anymore which I don't understand.

Words: Ball (at least a thousand times a day), Uh oh, Boo, Stewie, Mama (Grandma), Mom, Dad, up, please, muwah (kiss), socks, shoes...

Sleep: Bedtime is at 9. Wakes up for the day anywhere from 8-9. Has been waking up once at night or I should say morning because it is usually at 5:30 or 6 am. Takes one nap a day around 1 pm for 2 hours.

Church: We go to one o'clock church right now which is really hard. We took him to nursery a couple of weeks ago and he really enjoyed it, yesterday he was a ultimate terror so Kyle just took him home the rest of church. My mom taught him how to shoot baskets into the hoop outside and we sit in the back of church where the hoop is so the entire sacrament meeting he is saying ball in a whiny voice and pointing to the basketball hoop. If you take him into the hall there is no chance of bringing him back into sacrament. He is very difficult right now during church I just hope he grows out of it. I bring everything I can think of to keep him distracted but nothing helps.. Oh the joys!

Interests: Above is Gus' newest interest. Don't tell Kyle bwuahahaha. He will take out every condiment and line them up, then put them back. Kyle got mad the other day that he did it, I was secretly laughing because I will let him do it when he is really bored:) Loves being outside we have had really good weather so we have spent a lot of time outdoors. It makes it hard on days like today where it is rainy. We got him a miniature basketball hoop at DI and he loves throwing balls into it. Loves watching national geographic or any other program with live animals. He won't watch any children movies except Elmo, and signing time. Loves to dance he recently started trying to dance with his feet it is pretty hilarious to watch. Likes to help me unload the silverware in the dishwasher. He will put the bounce sheet into the dryer when I am doing laundry. He puts my socks into my sock drawer. Likes to pick up his toys while signing the clean up song. Tries to put on mine or Kyles shoes, he really likes shoes. Loves the new baby chicks we got. Loves bath time, and helping me throw things into the trash.


  1. Why does that make Kyle mad? Men don't understand what it takes to entertain toddlers for hours upon hours a day, and then wake up and do it again. Send Gus into Kyle's fly tying stuff to take stuff off the shelf and then maybe Kyle won't care about the fridge. :)

  2. What a cute kid! Getting big, time to have another one.
