14 Months

Gus Monster at 14 months
Goes to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 wakes up eleven hours later
Takes one nap a day usually at 1 or 2 and it will last 2-4 hours
Favorite foods at the moment: tilapia, raspberries, cereal, pumpkin pancakes
Likes to pound knuckles
Has found his belly button
New words: Kiny (one of his favorite cousins), Stewy (the cat next door), Mama (grandma), shoes, toes
Signs: eat, more, bye, milk...
Infatuated with balls, cats, and dogs. he literally says ball 1,000 times a day
Nightime ritual: bath at 7 play until 8 or 8:30 he will grab the scriptures and fold his arms when he is ready to read and say prayers. Then kisses to daddy we call teddy's name turn on his fan and white noise feed him then lay him in his bed. 

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! I hope that Crew will sleep like that one day :-)
