7 Months

My little 7 month monster
Is rolling like crazy. I put him on my bed the other morning while I had a quick shower. I surrounded him with pillows and his favorite toy, then I heard a thud. Yep, he rolled right off our bed onto the wood floor. Luckily our bed is on the floor so the fall was short, and he only ended up with a tiny bruise on the right side of his forehead. I learned my lesson, no more leaving his squirmy butt on our bed alone.
Is teething, AND his first tooth broke through yesterday. His bottom right tooth came through. Yipee:)
Is loving food, all kinds. He no longer dislikes squash or bananas! I hope he continues to love vegetables and fruits.
Is sleeping okay. He goes to bed and 8:30 or 9. Wakes up 45 minutes later (why, I have no idea), then he will wake up again in between 12-2 and 5-6. Not awful, but not ideal either. I am just enjoying these moments because I know he will one day be all grown up.
Is waking up for the day at 8 or 8:30, then will have a nap at 10:30 and another nap at 2 or 3.
Is still loving little kids, all the neighbor kids come to play and entertain him. He loves it.
Is still loving ribbon. I will give him strips of ribbon and he will suck and play with it for the longest time.
Is loving books and paper.
Is my favorite thing in the whole world:)


  1. Cutest little man ever. He looks like a tiny gentleman. He does have that Benjamin Button 'old soul' thing to him, doesn't he? Minus the uncomfortable aspects of that movie, naturally. I'm ready for you guys to come up and visit. Soon. Now. Thanks

  2. Funny how pictures change the way he looks - the top pictures he looks like Cayson, and the second picture looks like a picture from a Ballard baby book. Either one, he's adorable.

  3. He looks so old! In a good way :) What a cutie you have. They get more and more fun the older they get.

  4. We love little Gus. He has such a sweet smile.

    And, your mom's old silhouettes are way cool!

  5. Wow he is so cute! He looks like both of you guys a lot I think.
