31 weeks

Kyle and I signed up for a supplemental insurance like Aflac, but to get the two grand you have to be on the insurance for nine months before the baby pops out. Well my nine month mark is November 1st and guess when my due date is? Yep November second, so today we told Dr. Lunt that he had to do everything possible so this little baby doesn't pop out before November 1st:) He told us some statistic on first time moms like 90% give birth on their due date or a week later. So the stats are on our side, if you know of any good tips to keep the bun in the oven leave a comment:)
31 week stats
gained 0 pounds the last two weeks (wow first time for everything)
so total weight gain still 17 pounds
measuring exactly at 31 weeks
baby's heart rate 140 bpm
back doesn't hurt anymore:)
baby hates when I semi recline or lay on my back (kicks like crazy)
I am still leaning towards the idea of no epidural
no cravings
I eat tons of ice, but did before the pregnancy
I can now take my prenatals without throwing up thirty minutes later
Can't believe I only have 9 more weeks


  1. I am one of the 90%...I really wanted to go early with my first and did Everything they say to but I had to be induced at 41 weeks. So you could try that! No but really, sperm softens the cervix, so you could stay away from that =)

  2. Yay for Aflac supplemental, we have that too but since I'm not pregnant quite yet we are safe for sure. I hope the little guy times it right, maybe if you bribe him with a sweet welcome home gift if he arrives on his due date or later he will cooperate! :) BTW, you are a beautiful mamma already!

  3. I love your remodel! You're awesome, I am so not talented in that area. You look great for 31 weeks! Definitely smaller than me :) I was 2 days late with Jaylee and did everything I could think of to go into labor. My advice is to just take it easy :)

  4. Looking great! I started taking my vitamins right before bed and instead of in the morning and I didn't get sick.

  5. Drink lots of water. My doctor said that is one way to keep the contractions down. Good luck! You look amazing and I'm so excited for you.
