
We have neighbor kids over almost everyday after school. This cute little boy says the funniest things sometimes. For example he calls Kyle "Kyled" with emphasis on the D. I have corrected him many times but I guess he thinks Kyled fits better. The other day Kyle had just got home from his bike ride and was wearing his spandex and this cute boy looked over at Kyle and said Kyle your belly is BIG! I busted up laughing, Kyle says there are two people in the world that don't lie drunks and kids... I told him he should have seen Kyled when he looked like santa claus, so now he is obsessed with asking questions about that. Kyle was outside Saturday and the cute little boy walked over to him and said "oh my goodness Kyle your belly is BIG." I have had a cold today so I missed church (I am his primary teacher) so he brought me over a picture he had drawn and a box of chicken noodle soup. So very thoughtful!  Gus enjoys them most days, sometimes he gets overwhelmed and just wants his own time so we have to send the kids away. We live by some really fun kids that is for sure, some of my fondest memories as a child were made with neighbor friends. I can say the same for Kyle too because he tells me stories all of the time about the Ruesch's  and Slease's.


  1. Drunks, Kids, and Adam tell the brutal truth. I believe my sweet husband has told Kyle a few times his stomach is big. :) I love that you guys have chickens. I'm trying to convince Adam we need some too. It's a no-go so far. Kyle is turning into an old codger - reminiscing about the good ol' days all the time. So sweet. Way to go on the race, Em. The Deaners were just here and asked if you'd been racing lately.

  2. If it makes Kyled feel better little boy tells his dad he has a big belly too =)
