16 Months

Cue the Hallelujah Chorus because this little boy has been weaned FINALLY!
Gus is definitely all boy. All day everyday we play with balls, are outside, watching basketball games, playing with the chickens, chasing the cats, and being very rambunctious and hyper.
Gus these days loves to eat pecans, peanuts, edamames, my secret waffles, and ramen noodles
He says hus(horse), mama(grandma), sewie(stewie neighbors cat), teets(treats), pop(popcorn)...
sleeps through the night (most days)


  1. Kyle needs a rambunctious child - I should say he DESERVES one. Not going to lie, I had no idea how to spell rambunctious. Gus is a cute little guy. We just watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and heard his song.....Augustus Gloop - made us think of him.

    1. I only spelled it right because of auto correct. I am glad you are as illiterate as me:) Kyle does deserve one, but I am the one with him ALL day!!!

  2. He is the sweetest boy, it's so fun to see him grow and have his own cute personality.

  3. Yay! It is seriously a wonderful day when you can be done with breast feeding (at least for me it was)! Miles too is very busy right now, but since he doesn't walk, it limits what he can get into :)
