Christmas Day


  1. What a cutie you have. Love the picture on the horse with the hat in front of the tree. So fun!!

  2. Hey - It's Dez! Just dropping by to say hi. I finally got my quiet book pics posted. It's under the most recent post (Projects 2011). it's been good seeing you guys lately! Hope to see more. Take care!

  3. What a cute little stinker. Is that g-ma and g-pa Ballard's old horse? It looks familiar, but I can't place it. Looks like he needs a pony for Christmas next year.

  4. Photo/Blog Books... Last year I used Blurb and I was really happy with it. You can import your blog posts then make pages with different levels of customization. But I really haven't shopped around much to explore other things. When I do collages I purposely do them a size that fits into the pages nicely so it takes me less time to compile the book.
