12 Days

We decided to do the 12 Days of Christmas to a cute little family in our ward, so today was the first day. I made them a plate of cookies and gave them some yummy hand soap from Bath and Body. The saying is in the first picture above. 
Auntie Lirpa made Gus some cute Christmas pi's this year and tonight we busted them out for his first day of Christmas. I am doing our own little family 12 days, so tonight we made homemade snow globes. Idea that I found on interest, they turned out cute, I made the dry kind, but tomorrow I am going to buy glycerin to try Martha Stewart's wet version. I have been searching for the tiny tree's to put in them and finally at Walmart of all places I found them! I bought cute little gnome, santa, and snowman erasers that I put in Gus' snow globe. He loves it, and it has even lasted more than 2-3 throws to the wood floor from Gus!
Last picture explanation. Kyle had scouts tonight so I put Gus to bed at his usual time, then in walks Kyle 5 minutes later. Gus for some reason was still crying so Kyle went and got him out (he thinks it is because he didn't get daddy kisses). Gus knows he better be on his best behavior if we get him out so he just laid with Kyle, eating popcorn, and watching the Chipmunks Christmas movie. He is NEVER this still, and will NEVER watch a movie longer then 2 minutes so this was monumental!


  1. Fun and festive... this makes me want to make those snowglobes. I have all that fake snow... just need the trees.

  2. You are so ambitious! Love Gus' hat and all the family pictures. This season is just the best.

  3. Way to go Em. You are truly amazing in all you can accomplish. I can't believe how active Kyle has become. Inspired by the biggest loser? :) We need some motivation around here.

  4. You are so darn crafty! It looks like you guys have been up to a lot of fun this holiday season!
