28 weeks

the quote for the last three weeks is "my back hurts"
my lovely sister gave me a two hour massage last week and made it feel wonderfully
it hurts again
luckily she said she would give me another one when she gets back from her long arse bike ride to Flagstaff!!
29 weeks stats
weight gain 17 lbs (just keeps getting higher:)
start going to Dr. Lunt every other week
hematocrit 36 low side of normal result of not taking prenatal vit (I hate prenatal vitamins)
me + prenatal vitamins = throw up every time
measuring at exactly 29 weeks
Stuff to watch out for:
contractions more than 4 an hour not going away by rest or H20
report any falls
stop in baby movements


  1. that is no fun - but you are still so cute!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry! I was lucky and didn't have any back pain at all during my pregnancy. But since Marshall has arrived my back has been in constant pain. Weird and super annoying. I hope things continue to move along fast for you so we can meet Gus soon!

  3. Pregnancy definitely takes a toll on your body! How lucky to have a masseuse (ok, I'm sure I spelled that wrong) in your family!

  4. Great posts! You'd better practice posting a ton, so you will have it down for when the baby gets here. You look so cute preggers.
