Weeks 31-37

35 Weeks

37 Weeks

Well I am just getting bigger and bigger that is for sure. Someone tonight at YW's told me that my stomach has gotten so big just in the last week. Well, thanks for that, and it wasn't even a YW. I didn't gain a single pound from weeks 34-36. Woot Woot. Total weight gained thus far is 19 pounds, but I feel like my butt and thighs are lots bigger than with Gus! I have felt pretty good, most days.  The days Gus doesn't sleep at night I am pretty emotional, it reminds me of when he was first born. The only days I cried after he was born were the days I got zero sleep at night. It is hard when he wakes up because then it wakes up Oliver in my belly and he will just go crazy kicking and stuff for 30 or so minutes. I was dilated to a 1 and 25% effaced at my 36 week visit. I just pray this little boy comes before his due date and not 11 days over like Gus. I am going to ask Dr. Lunt if he will start me early if this boy doesn't come before my due date. I have got lots of projects done due to my nesting, every day. I find more and more to do/clean/create its great I wish I was this productive everyday of my life!!! Oliver seems more mellow than Gus was in my belly, I think? 
Their shared bedroom is almost done, I will have to take pictures of that


  1. Oh my little sister, you look so cute. Don't even go there thinking that your Butt and Thighs are big. You have no idea sister!!!!! Can't wait for the BIG DAY, Aunt Ashlee is waiting your arrival.

  2. I know you don't think so, but you are an adorable pregnant momma. I'm sure you are VERY anxious to get that little guy out. Hope he doesn't arrive on your birthday, so you won't be completely overshadowed by baby Olivers birthday.
