Pregnancy Update Weeks 25-31

So it has been forever since I have wrote down anything about this pregnancy. We had another ultrasound last week at 30 weeks and found out my placenta previa is gone. The little placenta moved out of the way so no C-section! Hooray! I have gained 14 pounds so far, but feel a lot bigger than last time. I sleep horribly these days, I get short of breath then I start to panic because I can't get a good deep breath and this happens a lot at night. Dr Lunt says it is completely normal, but I say it is completely inconvenient. So the shortness of breath on top of the stress of the Santa Stampede 5k, and my new calling as the Mia Maid Advisor has me up for at least 2 hours in the wee hours of the morning. I have slept lots better now that the 5k is over. I remember getting anxious about dumb things towards the end of my pregnancy with Gus. If I wake up to go to the bathroom and start thinking about things I need to do my minds just escalates into an almost full fledged panic attack. I have a goal of trying to read the BOM before this baby arrives, so at 2 or 3 in the morning is when I get my best reading done. It helps me relax and stop thinking about all the little things I need to get done. This little boy seems so chubby in his ultrasound pictures last week. I wish we would have done an ultrasound this late with Gus so I could compare the two. I have been awful about taking my pre natal vitamins, only because they make me super nauseous to the point of throwing up so I decided they were useless if I was going to just throw it up anyway. Dr Lunt told me to just take an over the counter multi-vitamin, so since my last appointment I have been doing that. 
I think the first belly picture is week 29 or something and the last one is week 31

1 comment:

  1. His little face is so cute! Can't wait to give him a squeeze! So So cute!
