Instagram Update

Trying to teach Gus how to clean. Child Labor

We have had some really nice rainstorms the past couple of months.

This is Gus' way of hide and seek. He hides his head then says, Ma Ma Ma Ma, then I reply where is Gus has anyone seen my baby Gus?

We had a tornado warning one day. These clouds were crazy fast.

Gus always put Kyle's helmet and gloves on. We finally bought him his own bike, helmet, and gloves. He still prefers Kyle's though.

The neighborhood gang, minus a few. The Sant's brought over creamsicles so we all got to enjoy them.

Kyle was teaching Gus how to treat the leather on his favorite pair of shoes. Mocassins.

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ballard. Gus had fun listening to Grandpa. Grandpa even let Gus hold his knife that was once his Dad's (Afton).

Gus yells Gracie Sants name numerous times when we are outside. If she is outside she will tell her mom I think Gus wants to play with me. She is such a cute little Girl!

Gus is a climber. We found him on the windowsill one day...

The cousins came over one Sunday and they all climbed the tree. Our trees are perfect for climbing.

After we visited Gma and Gpa we went to eat at the Flying Monkey, then we rode the shuttle into the park because it was stormy and not 110 degrees!

This little boy while I was in the shower came to me with his diaper off and said shawr (shower in his language). I swear I can't do anything alone.

We have had peaches GALORE (thanks Gma Linie and Ann & Alan)

One of our crazy thunderstorms. This one brought hail.

Gus on his new strider one night. Aunt Shelley saw them and tracked them down like paparazzi. She took pictures the entire block ride.

Another peach GALORE picture. This time we made jam with them.

I was in the shower one night and I came out to find Gus sitting on our bed with books reading to himself.  One of the books was the toddler handbook, I hope he learned lots...

Kyle does pushups every night and this is Gus trying to copy his moves. Once again climbing the walls.

Thursday we live for the garbage truck. He was watching so intently while biting his fingernails. Anything better in life?

Nicholas had his first Freshman football game. Gus absolutely loves football and basketball, well any sport. We drove to Cedar to watch it. Nick did so well!

After the game Kyle taught Gus how to sprint. It was pretty hilarious to watch Gus, almost laying on the track trying to sprint.


  1. Such a cute post! I love the part about waiting for the garbage truck. It's the little things in life that kids seem to love the most!

  2. Love all the pictures. Gus does A LOT of the same things that Grant does. Grant loves the garbage truck and biting his fingernails (toenails too if I don't catch him). Ava is the one who climbs in the shower with me every time, thus the reason I never shower until Adam gets home. My poor hubby never sees me in regular clothes and my hair done (except for Sundays). Love your trees. Kyle needs to built Gus a tree house. It would be a crime not to have a tree house with those trees. Love peaches - they look amazing. Gus looks like he's a busy boy, and what amazing parents you guys are to him!

  3. Em, what a good mom and dad you and Kyle are. Gus is so cute.

  4. 1. These pics are darling.
    2. I think kids are the greatest thing to happen to the world. They make us crazy and want to die sometimes, but are the sweetest most precious things ever.
    3. I love that Aunt Shelley followed them all around taking pics of the bike ride :)
    4. I have never made a successful batch of peach jam. Mine always turns grainy after a while. Will you teach me next year?

  5. Ok, so what do I need to do to get a jar of that peach jam? Those peaches look amazing! You are so good at blogging, and taking pictures regularly! Looking at your blog makes me realize how much I've neglected mine. I love that pic of Gus in the shower, so cute :) I only ever shower when my kids are still sleeping. It's the only way I get to take my time and enjoy. I hope you're feeling great!

  6. I can't believe you are making him scrub the shower at such a young age. You should make Kyle since he is the one who taught Gus to pee in it =) Darling picks!

  7. Now Gatlin Gang, I have seen a few child laborers at your house...but I have to admit, I think Emily and Kyle are the cutest parents ever....Love the three of them so much!!!:)

  8. Hey Emily! I happened to come upon your blog and I must say what a cute little family you have! It was nice getting to see you guys at the reunion! I hope you are doing well! :)
