Weeks 12-15

12-15 Weeks
I had to document my 14 week belly. Kyle asked if I was sticking my belly out during the above picture, my reply, why would I want to look bigger than I actually am? When I hit 12 weeks I started feeling better. I would have 2 really good days then revert back to feeling down right awful. That lasted until 14 weeks, for the last 2 weeks I have felt really good most of the week with maybe one bad day. My energy is back, not 100%, but definitely much better. I still don't eat chicken, eggs, milk, or most meats. I hate the heat this pregnancy, which is funny because I was a lot farther along in the middle of the summer with Gus. We have had some really nice rainstorms which I have been very grateful for. We get to find out what we are having when I am 16 weeks, which I am really excited for. I just want to start doing projects for this next babe and I can't do that without knowing the gender. Part of me wants a boy because Gus has been so fun and lets face it I already have a nice wardrobe for a boy. A girl of on the other hand would be so fun to dress and do her hair. I am torn, I tell Kyle I am going to have a boy because I keep saying if it is a girl I am done and Heavenly Father wants me to multiply and replenish the earth!


  1. You are so funny. How exciting that you find out the gender soon! We really should try to get together sometime - at the park with the kiddos or out for ice cream and actually catch up in person :) Are you going to the reunion?

  2. I can't wait for you to find out. I may find out this week or next as well. I also have thought more than once that this may be the last baby for our family... but we'll see. So fun!!
