Weeks 1-12

Weeks 1-12
The worst part of pregnancy started around 5 1/2 weeks this time. I was training to do the Top of Zion Relay with Lindsey Hurst. The last couple of runs I ran I could barely do 3 miles.  I was supposed to run a total of 19 miles spread between 3 legs, but had to call Lindsey with the bad/good news that I couldn't run the relay. It was such a relief not to have to stress over training/sickness. 
I don't think I was as sick as I was with Gus. With Gus I threw up all day long with horrible heartburn. This pregnancy I have only thrown up in the evenings. I still felt nauseous throughout the day, especially when I didn't eat something every 2 hours on the dot. I carried around pecans, cucumbers, golden delicious apples, or cauliflower at all times. I still lost weight like last time, I am still losing, but hopefully with the nausea not being so bad that will stop. Or it can continue I wouldn't mind. lol I called the Dr. at week 6 1/2 and told them about my nausea they gave me a new prenatal called B-Nexa, it has ginger and Vitamin B6 in it. It has done wonders, I really think taking B-Nexa at night with Unisom combined with eating a small something every 2 hours has helped tremendously. Foods I despised this time around CHICKEN, I can't even think of the c word without feeling nauseous. Cafe Rio, cold sandwich meat, sweets, and eggs, are some of the other yucky foods on my list. There were lots more in the beginning, but I can't seem to recall what they were. I have gotten headaches this time around, but would rather the headaches then the throwing up. Overall this pregnancy has been much different than last time. I tell Kyle, this is my last pregnancy. I might change my mind in 5-10 years, but as for now I am done. 
Week 12 has been tons better. I still feel nauseous in the evening, but I can handle this. I am slowly getting my energy back. I forgot how tired you get during the first trimester. On the days I didn't work Kyle would get home after work and I would still be in my pajamas without a bra on. Poor guy! 
I have started to show faster this pregnancy, but figured that would be the case. Especially because I started out 5 pounds heavier than with Gus' pregnancy. 
I still don't understand why they haven't figured out morning sickness. We are curing cancer, but can't figure out why morning sickness effects (affect? I can never remember the rule) some but not others. I know it is a good sign disguised as an ugly symptom but I could do without it that is for sure!


  1. I'm totally asking my dr about that prenatal. I've actually not taken mine since I was maybe 14 weeks because I could not handle how sick it was making me. (Naughty, naughty... I know.) Jen Kane visited Dr. Pinkston (allergy elimination doctor in St. George) and was treated for an allergy to one of the pregnancy hormones and it helped her with her morning sickness. I can get you his # if you want.

    I'm so excited you are having another babe... but please don't make this your last one. You need at least one or two more... you're kids are too cute to stop at two. :)

  2. I agree with Andrea! Gus is too dang cute to stop at two. Sorry you get so sick though. I wont judge if it is your last because I haven't ever been sick with pregnancy and I still dont love it.
    Totally wish you could have done the relay. It was definatley a good/bad news deal. YOu will have to do it with us another year! Jalapeno Hotties can do it every year now no matter how full it is for a discounted price since we were in it the first year. Its going to be a tradition from now on!

  3. I'm glad Gus is getting a friend, and that it isn't as rough as last time. Feel free to come live at our house for a few months while we spoil you. About six pregnancies from now, when you are all done, let's chow down on some Cafe Rio. We miss that place!

    Cause and Effect (noun). To affect a change (verb).

    See you in October?

  4. We are so Happy For you Guys!! Congrats!!

  5. Glad your writing all this down. i thought i would remember everything, but sure enough as time ticks away my memory goes with it. i used to think we would have 4 or 5 kids, but now that we have them i realize plans change and raising a big family isn't what it used to be. i'm just hoping it's a girl so if you really are done we can see what a girl gus looks like.

  6. I didn't know you were pregnant! CONGRATS! I hope you get feeling better. Getting sick is a huge reason im scared to do it again. lol. But really, I hope you get feeling good quick!

  7. Yay!!! So excited for you!! 2 has been such a great thing for me!! You never know how your heart can love 2 until it happens. It's perfect! Congrats!

  8. Congrats on baby #2!! Hope you are feeling better :)

  9. Emily and Kyle, You are such wonderful parents, that you will forget all about this part of it and just take so much joy in the little happy ones the Lord blesses you with. I know I was lucky and didn't get sick at all, but I love you and know that you know it will be all worth it. Hugs and more hugs to all four of you!!
